



Our girls' hockey program helps our student-athletes achieve their goals on the ice as well as in the classroom, 我们的校友继续在大学里打球, 专业, 以及国际层面. 我们每年玩40到50场游戏, 拥有全年高强度的训练计划, and offer asynchronous learning to support training and competition.


澳门金沙app下载, we strongly believe that student-athletes shouldn't have to choose between athletics and academics, and our program provides our girls' hockey players with the coaching and academic support they need to excel in the rink and in the classroom. Our elite girls' hockey program offers the following benefits:

  • Accredited coeducational, independent boarding school education
  • Individualized college placement counseling to help student-athletes find the best college for their athletic and academic goals
  • Located in Lake Placid, 纽约, two-time host of the Winter Olympic Games
  • Training and home games at the Olympic Center, home to the legendary 1980 Miracle on Ice game
  • 与美国队共用更衣室.S. 女子国家队
  • Member of the North American Prep Hockey Association (NAPHA)
  • 美国曲棍球199u一级锦标赛参赛队
  • Experienced full-time 教练 with impressive career stats and dedication to the team
  • Support and education for players on the college recruitment process
  • Year-round training including time on the ice, videos, and access to the on-campus fitness center
  • 45 to 50 games per season with a schedule that focuses on top competitors and proactive exposure to college recruiters
  • 出差和培训期间的学术支持, 灵活的工作时间, 异步学习模块, 以及远程学习的技术平台
  • Advanced college-prep curriculum with honors and AP classes and an emphasis on place-based learning
  • Conveniently located two-hours from Albany and Montreal and five hours from 纽约 City, 多伦多, 和波士顿


我们的女子曲棍球赛季从9月持续到4月. During those months we are on the ice for several hours per day, five to six days per week. 在实践, we focus on repetitive drills that help players hone their hockey skills, 但我们也在努力培养一种竞争精神, 团队合作意识, 以及我们所有女运动员的耐力.

通过在运动的各个方面指导女孩, we help them improve their approach to game strategy and flow. Our 2:1 practice-game ratio gives our girls' hockey team the chance to develop their skills in practice but also while playing against teams from other prep schools, 青少年曲棍球项目, 和俱乐部.


所以运动员在休赛期不会失去耐力, we have year-round training programs available to all of our girls' hockey players. 在健身中心, our student-athletes can take advantage of a weight room, 室内攀岩墙, 还有其他帮助他们保持身材的设施.

Our girls' hockey team works with a strength-and-conditioning specialist all year long, 无论是在赛季还是在休赛期. We also have on-staff nutritionists who help players develop and stick to a nutrition plan on campus and while they are traveling for games.


我们的专用 教练 guide our elite girls' hockey team to success on the ice. To help you learn more about our program, here is a brief introduction to our Head Coach.


Coach Gilligan started his coaching career at Northwood in 2008, and after five years moved to  SUNY Canton where he helped the men's hockey team transition to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III level.

回到澳门金沙app下载, he coached the Boys' Junior Hockey Team with Coach Chadd Cassidy for two years before becoming the Head Coach for the 澳门金沙app下载女子曲棍球队 team. Under his leadership, the girl's team has enjoyed the following highlights:

  • 46 wins, 14 losses, and 6 ties in his first season as Head Coach
  • 秋叶大赛的优胜者
  • 进入底特律两国杯决赛
  • 参加了纳什维尔乡村精英赛的决赛
  • 参加了纽约州锦标赛的决赛


Many of our girls' hockey players have continued their hockey careers at the university and 专业 levels. 然而, whether our players plan to continue playing hockey after high school or pursue new opportunities, our program helps them develop the skills they need to be successful for the rest of their lives.

Girls who train with our program enjoy the following outcomes:

  • 提高曲棍球技巧
  • 丰富的游戏知识
  • Preparation to play in college or at other advanced levels
  • 性格发展
  • 设定并实现具有挑战性的目标的能力
  • 增加了信心
  • 领导能力

Your child deserves to be successful in all aspects of their life. 在普莱西德湖的澳门金沙app下载, NY, we provide the structure and opportunities high school students need to excel in both sports and academics. Whether your child is focused on hockey or another pursuit, we invite you to contact us to talk more about the benefits of Northwood for your child.

我们在大学预科的环境中提供精英运动, and we would love to welcome your family to our community.